Baby Classes
Music classes for babies and caregivers
Scroll down below for all programs or select your preferred campus to view its programming.
Weekly Baby Classes: New Rochelle Winter 2024
Tots Together
Tuesdays 9:15AM-10:45AM
With Morah Arielle Klein
$200 for 5 Week Series (5 classes, starts 1/7 until 2/11)
A grown-up and me class for toddlers. Featuring story time, music, movement, sensory activities and snack! Join for a fun and social environment!
Shabbat Party!
Fridays 9:15AM-10:00AM
With Morah Arielle Klein
$25 Drop-In
Join us for a Shabbat party while we sing and dance to all your favorite Shabbat songs! All are welcome!
Harrison: Aba’s Room Winter 2024
Aba’s Room: A Community Playspace at Alef Bet Harrison
in Loving Memory of Yaakov Rubin
Tots Together
Mondays 9:30AM-11:00AM
With Morah Arielle Klein
$200 for 5 Week Series (Jan 6- Feb 10, No class 1/20)
A grown-up and me class for toddlers. Featuring story time, music, movement, sensory activities and snack! Join for a fun and social environment!